Noise data

Cricklewood rail freight facility – noise and air quality monitoring


Noise monitoring

The displayed noise data corresponds to noise levels measured at two monitoring stations located at the rail freight facility operated by DB Cargo (UK) Limited in Cricklewood.

The upper noise limits are 69 dB LAeq,1h for the north monitoring station and 62 dB LAeq,1h for the south monitoring station during daytime operations. If these levels are exceeded, the displayed figures will automatically be shown in red. During the night-time (23:00 to 07:00), the noise levels at the south monitoring station should not exceed 58 dB LAeq,15min when a train arrives at the site. It should be noted that the displayed levels capture noise from activity within the Rail Freight Facility but also from noise sources in the surrounding area, and therefore any measured exceedances are typically investigated and reports are submitted to the local planning authority periodically.

Live noise levels are updated typically every 30 to 60 seconds. The displayed values indicate the average noise level over the past hour. During the night-time, the displayed values indicate average noise levels over the past 15 minutes.

Air quality monitoring

The displayed air quality data is in a raw format directly from the automatic air quality monitoring station, e.g. NO2 concentration is a 15 minute mean, and PM10 concentration is an hourly mean provided by the data portal.

The PM10 Site Action Level (SAL) limit is 171 µg/m3 over a 1-hour period. If this level is exceeded, the displayed figures will automatically be shown in red.

The displayed NO2 values are not directly comparable with the Site Action Level (SAL) or National Air Quality Objectives (NAQOs) as these are assessed over longer periods and so are provided here for information only.

This webpage is updated typically every 30 to 60 seconds, however unlike the noise levels which are directly measured by the monitoring equipment, there will be a delay between the start of the air quality monitoring period and the results being displayed due to the time required for the chemical processing and analysis undertaken by the equipment.

About this page

The noise and air quality monitoring data is for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or other data obtained from this page.

Noise monitoring data displayed via this site is provided by HIMLY Ltd. Air quality data displayed via this site is provided by Envitech Europe Ltd. and reproduced on this site with permission. Neither the noise nor air quality monitoring data should be relied upon for personal, medical, legal or financial decisions. No warranties are made to the level of accuracy or completeness of the data presented herein, although all reasonable efforts are used to maintain this site and the noise monitoring equipment on a regular basis.  Verified and assessed information on noise and air quality data at the Cricklewood site is held by the local planning authority.

DB Cargo or its suppliers may make improvements or changes to this page and to the information therein at any time.

Accurate as at 17th July 2024.