Compliance at DB Cargo UK

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Compliance at DB Cargo UK: Keeping us all on the right track

Our Business Principles

How we behave matters. As the UK’s leading rail logistics provider, we take our legal and ethical responsibilities seriously, and empower our people to do the right thing and speak up when something isn’t right.

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“Thank you for taking the opportunity to visit our compliance pages. Being part of TeamRed means each and every one of us playing our part to build a sustainable company, and one which follows the highest standards of open and responsible business dealings. It is not just about what we deliver for our customers, but the way that we do it. Honesty and integrity are at the heart of everything we do and each of us, irrespective of our position or grade within the company, need to take ownership and responsibility for our actions. 

We use our Business Principles to empower colleagues to do the right thing, and speak-up when something isn’t right. Doing the right thing may involve making difficult or unpopular decisions, but let me tell you in the strongest possible terms that the UK Management Board fully supports a culture which encourages all colleagues and business partners to do exactly that.”

Andrea Rossi, Chief Executive Officer, DB Cargo UK

Everyone has a part to play.

Our stakeholders expect only the highest standards from us. To maintain their trust and confidence, each and every colleague must follow the internal rules, guidance and processes we have in place to ensure any decision our business takes is the right one. DB Cargo UK and the wider Deutsche Bahn Group have the resources and facilities in place to address questions or concerns, in confidence where necessary, and support colleagues in their day to day activities.

£6 million Wolverhampton Steel Logistics Centre


“Compliance is a framework of behaviours and processes that ensures DB Cargo UK complies with laws, regulations and internal policies. Colleagues and business partners should take the time to familiarise themselves with the Business Principles, DB Code of Conduct and the documents they refer to. By following the rules and guidance they contain, we protect our people, our brand and those affected by our everyday operations. Please do not hesitate to address any compliance related questions or concerns to or to contact me, in confidence, using the details provided below.”

Nicola Kemp, Head of Legal & Regulatory Affairs; Local Compliance Officer for DB Cargo UK

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Nicola Kemp

Head of Legal & Regulatory Affairs; Local Compliance OfficerDB Cargo UK