Petroleum & Chemicals

Chemicals rail freight service

Chemicals & Petroleum

We are the leading provider of rail freight services for the chemicals industry.

Our services for you

Safety is all-important

Our experience in the petrochemical industry ensures we understand the safety and environmental requirements of the industry and of our customers. We have a structured training programme to ensure all staff meet the requirements of the Petrochemical industry and we provide visibility of our safety processes to customers.

In the event of an emergency anywhere on the rail network or at your own facilities, our experienced teams provide a fast, professional and integrated response to any incident.

DBC UK chemicals wagons

Get in touch with our expert.

 Why choose DB Cargo UK for petroleum rail haulage?

  • National coverage and security of supply via UK’s largest rail network
  • Only UK rail operator with its own petroleum rail tank wagons
  • Tailored rail services to meet specific petrochemical industry requirements
  • Sustainable solution including 'Stop-Start' locomotive technology, to protect the environment and achieve CO2 reduction targets
  • Dedicated 24/7 customer service centre
  • In-house rail engineering specialists for locomotive and rail wagon maintenance:
  • Ability to provide rail wagon maintenance on-site at customers premises
  • Able to provide ECM (Entity in Charge of Maintenance) services for customers

Quality is at the heart of our operations

DB Cargo UK ensures Quality is at the heart of its operations and as a business we operate to the following quality standards:

– ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001 accreditation

– RISQS (Rail Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme)
