
 sustainable service being hauled by a class 66 locomotive

Sustainability at DB Cargo UK

We’re committed to helping the UK Government to achieve its climate target of net zero by 2050.

We're doing this because we want to, not because we have to

As the UK Government intensifies its focus on achieving net zero emissions by 2050, the rail freight industry plays a pivotal role in reducing the nation’s carbon footprint.

Our Environmental Sustainability Strategy outlines how we will align with national environmental frameworks, leverage emerging technologies, and enhance operational efficiency to meet critical sustainability targets.

 DB Cargo Intermodal service
“Our sustainability journey did not begin with our new strategy; we have been laying the foundational tracks for several years, steadily building towards a more sustainable future."

Stacie Scullion, Sustainability Manager, DB Cargo UK

We lead the next generation of rail freight

A freight train consumes as little as a third of the energy required by a lorry and causes just a quarter of the carbon dioxide emissions. This means that rail freight provides a basis for reducing carbon dioxide emissions by a means of modal shift. But it doesn't stop there for us. Here at DB Cargo UK we are committed to reducing locomotive energy consumption and noise by using stop-start technology on our traction stock, investing in energy efficient and low noise wagons, as well as training our staff to drive trains more efficiently. We are committed to leading the next generation of rail freight.

 International rail freight service